Bushcraft/Woodsmanship Day or Weekend Courses
Course Content Includes:
Survival/ well being in the outdoors:Water, the importance of hydration in survival. Where to find water and how to purify it.
Fire Craft:
- One Match Fires
- Wet Weather Fire Lighting
- Firesteel/Ferro Rod Use
- Bow Drill Construction and Use
- Flint and Steel
Outdoor Clothing:
The importance of making the right choices for comfort and survival.
Camp Cooking
Shelter Craft and Construction
Shelter, useful tarp setups for camping or emergency shelter.
Emergency natural material shelter construction.
Bushcraft/ Woodsman Tools
Introduction, safety and selectionPlant Identification
Useful plants and trees for building, fuel, nutrition, cordage, etc.And more.One day course, 9am to 5pm. $95 per person. Minimum of three people.Weekend two day course, noon Friday to noon Sun. $200 per person, three person minimum.
For more information email or call 1-814-673-8792
Under 18 years of age must be accompanied by parent or guardian unless member of Boy or Girl Scouts of America and accompanied by troop and adult leadership.