What To Do With The Carcass When Coyote Hunting: Proper Disposal Tips

by Derrick | Last Updated: June 6, 2023

When you go coyote hunting, it’s important to have a plan for what to do with the carcass once you’ve successfully taken down your prey. While some hunters may choose to leave the carcass in the field, this can attract scavengers and lead to issues with landowners or other hunters. So, what are your options?

One option is to field dress the coyote and take the meat home with you. Coyote meat is lean and can be used in a variety of dishes, such as chili or tacos. However, it’s important to note that coyotes can carry diseases , so it’s crucial to handle the meat properly and cook it thoroughly before consuming it. Another option is to donate the carcass to a local wildlife rehabilitation center or educational program. This can help provide food for animals in need and educate the public on the importance of wildlife conservation.

Legal Considerations

Checking Local Regulations

Before you go coyote hunting, it’s important to check your local regulations regarding the handling and disposal of carcasses. Some states have specific rules about how to handle and transport animal carcasses, and you don’t want to get in trouble with the law.

For example, some states require that you report any coyote kills to the local wildlife agency, while others require that you obtain a permit before hunting coyotes. Additionally, some states have restrictions on the use of certain types of firearms or ammunition when hunting coyotes.

To avoid any legal issues, make sure to do your research and check the regulations in your area before heading out on your hunt.

Transporting the Carcass

Once you’ve successfully hunted a coyote, you’ll need to transport the carcass back home. Again, it’s important to check your local regulations to ensure that you’re transporting the carcass legally.

In some states, you may be required to tag the carcass and keep it in a specific type of container during transport. You may also need to take specific routes when transporting the carcass to avoid certain areas or roads.

To ensure that you’re following the regulations in your area, contact your local wildlife agency and ask for guidance on how to transport the carcass. They’ll be able to provide you with the information you need to transport the carcass legally and safely.

Remember, following the regulations in your area is not only important for legal reasons, but also for the safety of yourself and others. By taking the time to research and follow the regulations, you can ensure that your coyote hunting experience is safe and enjoyable.

Disposal Options

Burying the Carcass

If you decide to bury the coyote carcass, you should dig a hole that is deep enough to prevent other animals from digging it up. You should also make sure that the location is far enough away from any water sources to avoid contamination. Once the hole is dug, you can place the carcass inside and cover it with dirt.

Donating to Science or Education

If you don’t want to bury the carcass, you can consider donating it to science or education. Many universities and research facilities have programs that accept animal carcasses for research purposes. Contact your local university or research facility to see if they have a program that accepts coyote carcasses.

Feeding Other Animals

Another option for disposing of a coyote carcass is to feed it to other animals. This can include scavengers such as vultures or other predators such as bears or wolves. However, you should only do this if it is legal in your area and you are sure that the animal you are feeding it to is not endangered or protected.

Overall, there are several options for disposing of a coyote carcass. Consider the legal and ethical implications of each method before making a decision.

Safety Precautions

When it comes to hunting coyotes, safety should always be your top priority. Not only do you need to be aware of your surroundings, but you also need to ensure that you are taking the proper precautions to protect yourself from any potential hazards. Here are a few safety tips to keep in mind:

Wearing Protective Gear

Before you head out on your coyote hunting trip, it’s important to make sure that you are wearing the appropriate protective gear. This includes things like eye and ear protection, as well as gloves and boots that will protect you from any potential bites or scratches.

Properly Disinfecting Equipment

Another important safety precaution to take when hunting coyotes is to make sure that you are properly disinfecting your equipment. This includes things like knives, traps, and any other tools that you may use during your hunt . Disinfecting your equipment will help to prevent the spread of any potential diseases or infections.

To disinfect your equipment, you can use a solution of one part bleach to nine parts water. Simply soak your equipment in the solution for at least 10 minutes before rinsing it off with clean water. You should also make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling any equipment that may have come into contact with a coyote carcass.

By taking these safety precautions, you can help to ensure that your coyote hunting trip is a safe and enjoyable experience.