What Is The Best Time Of Day For Coyote Hunting?

by Derrick | Last Updated: June 9, 2023

If you’re an avid hunter, you know that timing is everything. And when it comes to coyote hunting, the time of day can make all the difference in your success. But what is truly the best time of day for coyote hunting?

As a fellow hunting enthusiast, I’ve done my research and talked to experts in the field to bring you this comprehensive guide on when and how to hunt these elusive creatures. From early morning hunts to nighttime excursions under the stars, we’ll break down all the pros and cons of each option so that you can choose the right strategy for your next coyote hunt. So grab your gear and let’s go!

The Best Time Of Day To Hunt Coyotes

Coyote hunting can be a thrilling and challenging experience, but it requires careful planning and preparation. One of the most important factors is the time of day when coyotes are most active. Here are some tips on the best times of day to hunt coyotes:

Dawn and Dusk: Coyotes are crepuscular animals, which means they are most active during dawn and dusk. During these times, they are more likely to be out for food or socializing with other members of their pack.

Nighttime: Many hunters prefer to hunt coyotes at night because this is when they tend to be more active. Using a spotlight or night vision equipment can help you spot them more easily in low-light conditions.

Early Morning: If you’re an early riser, you may want to consider hunting coyotes in the early morning hours before sunrise. This is often a good time because many predators return from their nightly hunts around this time.

Midday: While not as popular as dawn or dusk hunting, midday can also be a good time to target coyotes that may have been missed during earlier hunts. It’s important to scout your hunting area beforehand so that you know where they are likely to be hiding.

No matter what time of day you choose for your hunt, it’s important to remember that every location is different and may require its own unique approach. Be sure to do your research ahead of time by scouting your hunting area for signs of activity and using calls or decoys if necessary. With patience and persistence, you’ll increase your chances for success!

Dawn and Dusk

Dawn and dusk are considered the best times of day for coyote hunting. During these times, coyotes are usually more active as they transition between their nocturnal and diurnal habits. Hunting at dawn or dusk increases your chances of encountering a coyote since they tend to be out in search of food around this time.

One thing to keep in mind is that hunting at night may be illegal in some areas, so it’s important to check local regulations before heading out. Additionally, using artificial lights can disturb other animals and sometimes cause legal issues.

Another advantage of hunting during the early morning or late evening hours is that the sun isn’t directly overhead. This makes it easier for hunters to blend into their surroundings while also providing enough light to spot prey.

Regardless of what time you choose to hunt, scouting your location beforehand is crucial for success. Look for areas where there have been recent sightings or evidence of activity such as tracks, droppings, or scat. Using decoys or calling methods can also increase your chances of attracting a coyote within range.

In summary, dawn and dusk provide great opportunities for successful coyote hunts due to increased animal activity during those hours. However, make sure to follow local regulations regarding nighttime hunting and avoid disturbing other wildlife with artificial lights. Scout your location beforehand and use effective decoys or calling methods for an even better chance at success!


Nighttime is often considered the best time of day for coyote hunting. Coyotes are typically more active during the nighttime hours, making it easier to find and target them. However, hunting at night can also be challenging, as visibility is reduced and you need to be extra careful with your shots.

One effective strategy when hunting coyotes at night is to use calls or decoys to lure them in closer. This can help compensate for reduced visibility and increase your chances of a successful hunt. Many hunters prefer electronic calls or ecalls, which allow you to play a variety of different sounds and mimic the distress calls of other animals.

When setting up your stand for nighttime hunting, it’s important to scout out the area ahead of time and choose a location that offers good visibility while still providing cover. You may also want to bring along some extra lighting equipment to help you see better in the dark.

Overall, while there are no guarantees when it comes to coyote hunting, many hunters have found that nighttime can be a great time for targeting these elusive predators. Just make sure you’re well-prepared with all the right equipment and strategies before heading out into the field after dark.

Early Morning

Early morning is one of the best times to hunt coyotes. This is because they are usually more active during this time, as they may be on the lookout for their next meal. The hours just before and after sunrise are particularly good, as you’ll often find coyotes moving around in search of food.

To increase your chances of success, try setting up your stand near an area where coyotes are known to frequent. This could be a field or other open areas where there’s enough space for them to roam around freely.

Another thing you can do is use a decoy or play coyote calls to lure them in. Coyotes are naturally curious animals and will often respond to sounds that mimic distress calls from other animals.

When hunting in early morning, it’s important to scout your location ahead of time so you know exactly where the best places are to set up your stand. You should also keep an eye on weather conditions, as coyote activity tends to decrease during rainy or windy days.

Overall, early morning can be a great time for hunting coyotes if you plan accordingly and use the right approach. With patience and persistence, you might just have a successful hunt!


While dawn, dusk, and nighttime are all popular times for coyote hunting, midday can also be a great time to hunt. During the middle of the day, coyotes may be more active than you think. They might be out looking for food or water, or just taking advantage of cooler temperatures.

One advantage of hunting during midday is that it can often be easier to spot coyotes in the bright daylight. This makes it a good choice if you’re still getting familiar with your hunting area and need to scout out places where coyotes are likely to be found.

That being said, you’ll still need to take precautions when hunting during midday hours. The sun will make it difficult to stay hidden while waiting for your target, so make sure you have plenty of cover nearby. Also keep in mind that other animals may also be active during this time period which could hinder your chances at spotting and calling in a predator.

Overall, whether midday is the best time for coyote hunting depends largely on your location and what season it is but factor in scouting reports before heading outside at any hour as well as bringing along proper safety gear such as an appropriate firearm or decoy setup based on what has been successful in previous hunts during similar periods!

Tips For Hunting Coyotes

Hunting coyotes can be a challenging and rewarding experience. Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or just starting out, there are some tips that can help you increase your chances of success.

First, it’s important to know the activity patterns of coyotes in your area. Coyotes are most active during dawn and dusk, but they can also be active at night and early morning. Midday hunting can also be successful if the weather is cool.

When setting up for a hunt, it’s important to choose a location where you know coyotes frequent. This could include fields or areas near water sources. Additionally, using decoys and calling techniques can be effective in attracting coyotes to your location.

When using calls, it’s important to use different sounds based on the season and time of day. For example, distress calls may work well in winter when prey is scarce while howling calls may work better during the breeding season in spring.

Finally, always maintain a safe distance from any animals you encounter while hunting. Coyotes are unpredictable animals and should not be approached too closely even if they appear docile.

By following these tips and honing your skills as a hunter over time, you’ll increase your chances of having successful coyote hunts year after year!

Know Your Hunting Area

Before heading out for coyote hunting, it’s important to have a good understanding of the areas you plan to hunt in. This will not only help you find the best spots for hunting but also ensure that you stay safe while doing so.

One thing to keep in mind is that coyotes are active throughout the day and night, although they tend to be more active during dawn and dusk. The terrain and vegetation in your hunting area can also affect their activity levels. For example, if there are open fields or pastures nearby, the coyotes may be more active during daytime hours.

Scouting your hunting area beforehand can give you an idea of where to set up for a successful hunt. Look for signs of coyote activity such as tracks, scat, or dens. You can also use trail cameras to monitor their movements.

Another important aspect is knowing what types of calls and sounds work best in your area during different seasons. Some hunters prefer using mouth calls while others opt for electronic calls (ecalls). Make sure you practice calling before heading out into the field.

Lastly, always make sure that you have permission from landowners or managers before setting foot on private property. It’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with any local regulations regarding coyote hunting season, weapon restrictions and shooting hours before starting your hunt.

By keeping these tips in mind and knowing your hunting area well, you’ll increase your chances of having a successful hunt while staying safe outdoors.

Keep Your Distance

Coyotes are intelligent predators and can be very wary of humans. Therefore, it’s important to keep your distance when hunting these animals. This not only ensures your safety but also increases your chances of success.

When setting up for a coyote hunt, make sure you’re positioned at a safe distance from the animal’s range. Coyotes have an excellent sense of smell and hearing, so try to stay downwind and avoid making unnecessary noise that might alert them to your presence.

Using a decoy or calling system can be effective in luring coyotes into shooting range, but it’s essential to set up the decoy or call away from your position. Doing so will give you enough time to ready yourself for the shot while keeping the animal distracted.

In addition to maintaining distance during setup, you should also consider maintaining distance during hunting as well. If you spot a coyote in the distance, resist the urge to approach closer than necessary – doing so could scare off the animal before you get within shooting range.

Overall, being mindful of your proximity when engaging in coyote hunting is crucial for both safety and success. By taking precautions beforehand and remaining cautious throughout the hunt, you’ll increase your chances of bagging these elusive predators without causing harm or danger to yourself or others around you.

Use a Decoy

Using a decoy is another effective way to lure coyotes into your shooting range. Coyotes are curious animals, and they will often investigate the sound of distress calls or other coyote vocalizations. By placing a realistic-looking decoy in an open area near your stand, you can make it look like there is another animal in distress or that there are other coyotes in the area.

When using a decoy, it’s important to set it up properly. Place it about 20-30 yards away from your stand so that any approaching coyotes will be within range when they get close to the decoy. Be sure to use a scent eliminator on both yourself and the decoy so as not to give away your position.

There are several different types of decoys available for hunting coyotes, including electronic motion decoys and stationary models that sit on top of a stake. Both have their advantages depending on the situation you find yourself in.

Using a combination of calling and using a decoy can be especially effective during periods of high activity such as during mating season or when pups are being raised. However, always keep safety considerations front-of-mind when hunting with any kind of setup.

In summary: Using a realistic-looking decoy can effectively attract curious animals towards your shooting area while minimizing risks involved with direct human contact with them under normal circumstances. It helps create an illusion that there may be another animal (or multiple) nearby seeking attention which could help hunters lure their targets out into clear sight within short-range firing distance without tipping off by making direct eye-contact/contact sounds/smell etc., all while maintaining maximum safety concerns at every step along the way ensuring successful hunts every time!

Play Coyote Calls

One effective way to lure coyotes is by using calls. Coyote calls either imitate the sounds of prey animals or other coyotes, and can be used in a variety of situations. During the mating season, which runs from late January through early March, males use howling to locate females. This makes it a great time to try calling for coyotes.

When it comes to daytime hunting, many hunters have found success with mouth-blown calls such as the rabbit distress call. These work particularly well when you’re trying to bring a predator within shooting range.

At night, electronic calls – or “ecalls” – are often more effective due to their range and versatility. You’ll be able to cover more ground and target specific sounds that might trigger a response from nearby coyotes.

When setting up your decoy and calling sequence, it’s important to think about where you are hunting – different areas may require different approaches. In winter months when food is scarce for these animals, midday can also be an optimal time for hunting since they may be out looking for food during this period.

Overall, whether you’re using mouth-blown or electronic calls depends on personal preference; what’s important is knowing how and when they should be used effectively based on the location you’re scouting.

Be Patient

Coyote hunting requires patience. Even if you have scouted the area, used calls and decoys, and are in the right location, it may take a while for coyotes to respond. You may need to wait for hours before spotting or hearing anything.

It’s important not to get discouraged and move around too much as this can scare off potential targets. Instead, find a comfortable spot with good visibility and settle in for the long haul. Bring snacks, water, and warm clothing as necessary.

Remember that coyotes are active throughout the day but tend to be most active around dawn and dusk. Nighttime can also be a good time to hunt since coyotes tend to be more relaxed during this time.

Overall, successful coyote hunting requires determination and patience. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you just might end up with a great catch!

Is Coyote Hunting Better In The Morning or Evening?

The best time of day for coyote hunting is a topic of much debate among hunters. Some prefer morning hunts, while others swear by evening hunts. The truth is that both times of day can be effective, but there are some factors to consider when deciding which one to choose.

In general, coyotes tend to be more active at dawn and dusk. This is because these are the times when their prey is also most active. If you want to catch them in action, these are the ideal hours for hunting coyotes.

However, nighttime can also be a great time for coyote hunting. Coyotes are nocturnal animals and tend to be more active during this time of day. Additionally, many hunters prefer nighttime hunting because it allows them to use specialized equipment such as night vision scopes or thermal imaging cameras.

Ultimately, the best time of day for coyote hunting will depend on your location and the specific season you’re in. In winter months when daylight hours are shorter, it might make sense to hunt early in the morning or late afternoon/evening when there’s still plenty of light out – whereas summer scouting trips may require an all-day approach depending on temperatures!

One tip I recommend is scouting your area beforehand so that you know where the best places are for setup – whether it’s near water sources or areas with high animal activity – before going out into fields without any knowledge about what kind predator habits could exist nearby!

How To Attract Coyotes During The Day?

Attracting coyotes during the day can be a challenging task as they are primarily nocturnal animals. However, if you’re trying to attract them for observation or photography, here are some strategies you might consider:

  1. Use of Scents: Coyotes have a keen sense of smell. Using scents like urine from a female coyote in heat, or food scents like cooked meat can attract them. However, be aware that this can also attract other animals.
  2. Use of Calls: Coyotes are very vocal animals. Using a coyote call can attract them. There are different types of calls such as distress calls, mating calls, and challenge calls. You can use a manual call or an electronic call device.
  3. Use of Decoys: Decoys can be used to attract coyotes. A decoy that looks like a small animal such as a rabbit can attract a coyote as it simulates prey.
  4. Food Sources: Leaving out food can attract coyotes. This could be meat, pet food, or even fallen fruit. However, this method is not recommended as it can lead to coyotes becoming dependent on human food sources, which can lead to conflicts with humans.
  5. Location: Choose a location that is known to have coyotes. This could be a field, forest, or even a suburban area where coyotes have been sighted.
  6. Time: While coyotes are primarily nocturnal, they can also be active during the day, especially at dawn and dusk. Try to attract them during these times.


Coyote hunting can be a thrilling and rewarding activity for hunters who are up for the challenge. While there is no hard and fast rule about the best time of day to hunt coyotes, it’s generally agreed that dawn and dusk are the most active times for these predators. Nighttime hunting can also be effective, especially when using decoys and calls.

It’s important to remember that each season and location can have an impact on coyote activity, so scouting your hunting area ahead of time is crucial. Bring the right setup with you, including a reliable rifle or weapon of choice, proper clothing, and weather-appropriate gear.

By knowing your hunting area well, understanding coyote behavior patterns, calling techniques, using decoys effectively, being patient and staying alert at all times will lead you to success in this challenging but enjoyable sport!