What Color is a Coyote? Exploring the Range of Coyote Coat Colors

by Derrick | Last Updated: August 2, 2023

Have you ever wondered about the variety of colors found in coyote fur? It’s remarkable to note that these wild canids exhibit a wide array of coat shades, unlike many other mammalian species.

This blog will take you on an enlightening journey through the spectrum of coyote colors, from common hues to rare and unique variations. Stay tuned – there’s more to learn about their vibrant diversity!

Key Takeaways

Range of Coyote Coat Colors

Coyotes can have a range of coat colors, including reddish, tan, dark brown, blonde, orange, and gray.


Coyotes sporting a reddish coat are a common sight in many regions. This color, frequently observed in desert and arid landscapes, contributes to the coyote’s incredible camouflage capabilities.

The reddish tinge mainly occurs around their face and legs while keeping their grayish-brown body intact. This distinct coloration aids them in blending seamlessly with an environment dominated by red sandstones or clay soils.

Despite its striking appearance, the reddish shade does not influence the animal’s behavior or habits compared to other coat colors.


Coyotes with tan fur are quite common and can be found in various regions across North America. Their coat color ranges from a light, sandy tan to a darker, more golden hue. The tan coloration helps them blend into a variety of environments, including desert ecosystems where they are known to thrive.

These coyotes often have black-tipped tails and may also exhibit reddish tinges on their fur. With their adaptable nature and camouflaging tan coats, these coyotes are well-equipped for survival in the wild.

Dark brown

Coyotes with dark brown fur are commonly found across North America. Their coat color helps them blend in with their surroundings, providing camouflage and protection. The dark brown fur may have reddish tinges or a silver-gray appearance, depending on the individual coyote.

These adaptable animals have a black-tipped tail and a light-colored belly, which contrasts with their darker back and sides. Dark brown is just one of the many coat colors that coyotes can have as they thrive in various ecosystems throughout the continent.


Blonde coyotes, although less common than other coat colors, can still be found in certain regions. These coyotes have a light tan or golden fur that ranges from pale blonde to a deeper shade of yellowish-gray.

The blonde coloration helps them blend into their surroundings, particularly in desert and arid regions where lighter colors provide effective camouflage. Coyotes with blonde coats may also exhibit red tinges on their fur, especially around their ears and backs.

This unique variation in coat color adds to the diversity of these fascinating creatures in the animal kingdom.


Coyotes with orange fur can be found in various regions across North America. Their coat color is a unique variation among the wide range of colors seen in coyotes . This vibrant hue helps them blend into desert environments, providing effective camouflage for hunting and survival.


Coyotes with gray fur can often be found in various parts of North America. Their grayish-brown coat helps them blend into their surroundings, providing effective camouflage in desert ecosystems.

These coyotes may also have reddish tinges on their fur and a black-tipped tail. The lower part of their body is usually light-colored, with a belly that stands out against the rest of their coat.

Gray coyotes are fascinating creatures to observe, especially considering how their fur color helps them adapt to different environments.

Regional Variations in Coyote Coat Colors

Coyotes on the eastern side of North America often have a grayish-brown fur with reddish tinges, while those on the western side tend to have a more silver-gray coloration with a black-tipped tail.

Michigan coyotes, on the other hand, can display a range of colors including light-colored bellies and fulvous fur.

Eastern side coyote

Eastern side coyotes are known for their grayish-brown fur with reddish tinges. They often have a silver-gray appearance and a black-tipped tail. These coyotes also tend to have a lighter-colored belly compared to other regional variations.

Their fur color helps them blend in with the diverse habitats found on the eastern side, including forests, grasslands, and urban areas. The coat color of these coyotes serves as effective camouflage and allows them to adapt to their environment seamlessly.

Western side coyote

The Western side coyote is known for its grayish-brown fur with reddish tinges. It has a black-tipped tail and a light-colored belly. This coloration helps it blend in with the arid landscapes of the western United States.

These coyotes have adapted to their environment, using their coat colors as camouflage while hunting and navigating their desert ecosystem.

Michigan coyotes

Michigan coyotes have a unique coat color that sets them apart from other regions. These coyotes typically have a grayish-brown fur with reddish tinges, giving them a distinctive appearance.

Their tails are often black-tipped, and they have a light-colored belly. The combination of these colors helps them blend into their surroundings and provides camouflage in Michigan’s diverse habitats.

In addition to their characteristic fur color, Michigan coyotes also exhibit the same behaviors as their counterparts across North America. They are highly adaptable mammals and can be found in various ecosystems, including forests, farmlands, and urban areas.

Their diet consists of small animals such as rodents and rabbits.

Rare Coyote Coat Colors

Some coyotes have rare coat colors such as black, white, and other unusual variations. These unique colors make them stand out from the typical grayish-brown coyotes we often see. Read on to learn more about these fascinating color variations in coyotes’ coats.


Coyotes with black fur are a rare sight, but they do exist. These melanistic coyotes have dark coats that can range from deep brown to almost completely black. The black coloring is caused by an excess production of pigment in their fur.

This adaptation helps them blend in better at night and provides camouflage in darker environments, such as forests or dense vegetation. Black-coated coyotes have the same behaviors and characteristics as their counterparts with more common coat colors, making them just as adaptable and resourceful in North America’s various ecosystems.


Some coyotes have a rare and striking white coat color. These individuals stand out among their peers, with fur that is almost entirely white or a very pale cream color. White coyotes are not commonly found in the wild, but they do exist in certain populations.

They can be spotted primarily in colder regions where their light-colored fur acts as camouflage against snowy landscapes. This unique coat color serves as an adaptation for survival, allowing them to blend seamlessly into their surroundings and giving them an advantage when it comes to hunting prey or evading predators.

Unusual variations

Coyotes are known for their wide range of coat colors, some of which may be considered unusual. These variations in fur color can occur due to genetic mutations or interbreeding with other canine species.

One unusual variation is the black coyote, whose fur is a deep ebony color. Another rare variation is the white coyote, which stands out from its brown and gray counterparts. These unique coat colors may provide certain advantages in different habitats or serve as a form of adaptation for survival.

In addition to black and white, there are also other intriguing variations in coyote coat coloration. Some individuals have been observed with patchy or mottled coats that combine multiple colors like red, tan, and grayish-brown.


In conclusion, the coat color of a coyote can vary greatly among individuals and regions. From reddish to tan, dark brown to blonde, and even gray or orange, there is a wide range of colors that these wild canids display.

Regional variations also play a role in determining the coat color of coyotes, with different populations showcasing unique hues. Rare colors such as black and white may occasionally be seen, adding further intrigue to the diverse palette of these animals’ fur.

Overall, exploring the range of coyote coat colors provides fascinating insight into their adaptability and camouflage in different environments.