Do Donkeys Kill Coyotes? A Must-Read

by Derrick | Last Updated: March 18, 2023

We repeatedly get donkeys to kill coyotes, and why are donkeys often seen around other livestock or ranches and farms? That is a good question, so let’s dig into it more and discuss donkeys’ uses around livestock.

Donkeys can kill coyotes. They are often used as guard animals to protect other livestock from predators, including coyotes. Many donkeys are known to have an aggressive nature that can serve them well in intimidating coyotes and keeping them away.

In one survey 59 percent of ranchers said they had used a donkey to help deter predators from draft animals, and in Colorado, over 99% of the sheep producers said they had utilized donkeys to protect flocks of sheep.

How Do Donkeys Kill Coyotes?

If a coyote enters a donkey’s pasture, the donkey is most likely to bray loudly to attempt to scare off the coyote and warn other livestock of the predator’s presence. Braying is a noise a donkey will make when they are excited, such as when they are happy to see someone or when they are alarmed or concerned.

If a coyote enters the pasture, donkeys will usually quickly run after them to chase them out.

They will attack if the coyote does not retreat and the donkey feels threatened. They will use their teeth to bite the coyote, but the primary defense mechanism is using their hooves to stomp and kick the coyote to death. Often to truly protect a pasture from coyotes and other predators, it will require several donkeys; a single donkey would not be against one or more coyotes, while having a half dozen or more will allow the donkey to protect each other and make coyotes think twice before trying to continue after other livestock.

Field and Stream has an article with pictures about “Buck the coyote hunting donkey“; the image shows Buck with a coyote in his mouth.

Will All Donkeys Kill Coyotes?

Not every donkey will be good at killing coyotes. Each donkey has its personality; some are more aggressive than others and will be more aggressive when trying to repel coyotes.

What Donkey Is Best For Killing Coyotes?

If you want to purchase donkeys to guard livestock against predators, consider buying a jenny or female donkey. They tend to be easier for you as the trainer and gentler with other livestock but more aggressive with coyotes than other donkeys.

Jacks tend to be too aggressive towards other livestock and therefore do not necessarily make good guard donkeys. However, if you plan to keep them in their pen, they, too, are good at killing coyotes to protect your farm.

What Size of Donkey Works Best, and Do Miniature Donkeys Keep Coyotes Away?

Donkeys come in four different sizes ranging from a miniature donkey to large. The best donkeys for protecting livestock from coyotes are:

  • Small standard sized
  • 36″ to 46″ at the withers
  • Large standard sized
  • For jennies: 48″ to 54″ at the wither
  • For Jacks and geldings: 48″ to 56″ at the wither

Miniatures are not big enough to kill coyotes in most instances. Large mules are great at killing coyotes due to their size but are more difficult for you, as the owner, to handle. Miniature donkeys will bray and help make additional noise, which may create enough noise to make coyotes think twice about pursuing livestock. Ideally, mixing miniature donkeys and full-size ones would be a cost-effective solution.

What Age of Donkey Is Best?

Donkeys are most productive when they are three years old to 12 years old. Donkeys between these ages are more likely to kill a coyote than those outside this age range. Like other animals and even humans, donkeys generally are not as mobile and/or aggressive as they age. Older donkeys should be allowed a more relaxed lifestyle and not considered “working” donkeys.

How Many Donkeys Should You Have To Use For Guarding Against Coyotes?

Donkeys work best when working together to help protect each other; while a single donkey isn’t likely enough, having too many can cause other issues for the livestock, they are meant to protect. Ideally, you should have more than one and increase that number as the area you are looking to protect increases and/or the volume of coyotes you have in the region grows.

How Many Animals Can One Donkey Protect?

Donkeys can protect livestock, such as:

  • Cattle
  • Goats
  • Sheep

There should be no more than 200 of the same animals in a pasture with a donkey. Any more will make them less effective.

Donkeys should be used in wide open and not too large pastures to ensure they can keep track of all the other livestock.

How To Raise A Guard Donkey

Donkeys raised to ward off coyotes should be introduced to the livestock they are intended to protect at a young age (from birth or point of weening). You should avoid contact with herding dogs throughout their lives to ensure they don’t become comfortable around canines. Donkeys naturally do not care for, so even if you have dogs; they may not go anywhere near coyotes.

Feed the donkey while you feed the livestock they are protecting. This will make the donkey realize that being with the flock or herd will prevent them from missing a meal.

As the donkey ages to about three years old, introduce them to a dog in a corral to see if they show aggression towards the canine. This will help to ensure the donkey will do a good job guarding.

In summary, most donkeys are naturally aggressive against canines. They are more than capable of taking down a coyote on their own. I would not hesitate to use a donkey to guard livestock. They have many benefits, including low ownership costs, low maintenance, and a long lifespan; donkeys are a trendy guard animal to protect your other livestock from predators such as coyotes.

What Do Donkeys Use To Intimidate and Protect Livestock?

Donkeys will use their size and weight to their advantage when intimidating coyotes. When donkeys feel threatened, they will lower their head and swing them from side to side. This is a sign that the donkey is ready to charge. Donkeys will also kick with their back legs if they need to protect themselves or their flock.

Kicking is the donkey’s main defense, and they are very accurate. They have been known to break the ribs of coyotes and even kill them. Coyotes are no match for a donkey regarding size and strength.

A single donkey, while useful for livestock protection, having multiple (as we said earlier) will allow them to utilize each other to their advantage. One will distract the coyote while another kicks it or bites it. This team effort is often what’s needed to offer the best protection.

How Do Donkeys Show Aggression?

Donkeys are typically gentle and even-tempered animals, but they can become aggressive if they feel threatened or act in self-defense.

One of the ways donkeys show aggression is by kicking. They will kick with both front and back legs, and if they can knock the threatening animal down, they will use all four legs to stomp the foe.

Secondly, they will also try to bite if they feel threatened.

Lastly, another way donkeys show aggression is by making loud noises. They will bray (honk) loudly and continuously if they feel threatened or are trying to warn others about a potential danger.

Do Donkeys Kill Other Animals?

Donkeys dislike coyotes but will fight and potentially kill other animals if they feel threatened. Overall, donkeys are fairly docile creatures and will not pick a fight for no reason.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Are “mini donkeys” good guard animals?

Generally speaking, mini donkeys are protective and will guard other animals, but being mini, they are not as physically intimidating as full-size donkeys.

2) Are male or female donkeys better for guarding livestock animals?

Generally, male donkeys are more protective over territory or the surrounding property. In contrast, female donkeys are more nurturing and will often adopt other animals as their “offspring” and be more protective of them.

3) Do donkeys get along with other guard animals like llamas, or alpacas?

Yes, they do! Donkeys are social animals and generally get along with other herd animals.

4) How do I introduce a donkey to my other animals?

It would be best if you introduced the donkey to the animals they will guard at a young age. The younger they are, the easier they can bond with the other farm animals.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, donkeys are a valuable tool to keep coyotes at bay on your property. Over time, the coyotes won’t even attempt to navigate the property after a few donkey encounters. While this isn’t foolproof, layered with other control measures such as coyote hunting, trapping, and reducing things that attract coyotes, it can create a measurable difference over time.